
Greg Snier talks with Josh Compton about music making, his history with Realgrey Records, and learning to use technology to serve the songwriter.


The Art of Capturing the Song: Greg Snier

Josh Compton: How did you first find Realgrey?

Greg Snier: My band, Good Hours, was looking to record an EP and we're friends with Elephant Society, so we hit them up about their record. We hit up Ron and he wanted to meet. We loved his vibe and the house studio instantly and during our sessions I became addicted to the technology side of recording and stayed close to Ron Flack.

JC: How long did you intern with Ron?

GS: I interned with Ron from October 2015 to January 2016. My internship was for college credit through my professional semester, my junior year at Capital University. I spent most weeknights at the studio from 5 to 11 or midnight and most weekends longer or shorter hours depending on what needed to be done. The first half of the semester I spent at the Recording Workshop in Chillicothe, Ohio.

JC: What have you been up to recently? Are you still making music? Are you still in school?

GS: I currently record music in my basement studio in Columbus and am completing my senior year at Capital University. I also write my own music. My major is music technology, so I intend to record and mix music in my future for a living.

JC: Are there any specific insights you were able to pick up working at the studio?

GS: Honestly, I think the most valuable insight that Ron teaches almost everyone that comes through the studio is that the focus should always be on the artist. He loves gear and engineers like I do as well, but the way Ron talks about gear and his intentions for all the technical parts of the studio is unique. He only wants the gear to enhance the fidelity of capturing the music. I think that the art of capturing the song and not letting technology ruin it or fix it is hard to come by in 2016. Ron really taught me how to connect with artists personally and see exactly what they want, because it is their music at the end of the day. He taught me more in that internship than I have learned about music and recording in my whole life; those are some things that really stuck with me. I am very thankful for the opportunity.

JC: Excellent…thanks Greg!
